We are volunteers, including medical professionals like emergency medical technicians (EMTs), licensed amateur radio operators, and nature enthusiasts, dedicated to helping others.

Four early members of TERT are shown with all of their gear

Our history

Established in 1983, the Timpanogos Emergency Response Team (TERT) is dedicated to the safety of hikers and climbers on Mt. Timpanogos. We're an all-volunteer group that are stationed at Mt. Timpanogos' two trailheads, Emerald Lake, and Stewart Falls on weekends throughout the summer.
Learn more about TERT's history
A TERT member sits in a chair at high camp

On the mountain

On weekends from late June through September, our teams of four or more maintain a base camp, which we call "High Camp," near Emerald Lake, 5.5 miles from the Aspen Grove Trail Head at an elevation of 10,300 feet. 
Learn more about High Camp
The TERT shack with the door open because TERT is On Duty.

At the trailheads

You'll also find our members at the Timpooneke and Aspen Grove Trail Heads, usually starting around Memorial Day, ready to provide trail information to hikers and seamless communication with our high camp team. 
Learn more about Trailheads
Five TERT members are not facing the camera and looking at Stewart Falls

At Stewart Falls

Teams of two or more also provide first aid at Stewart Falls on Saturdays from early summer through fall.
Learn more about Stewart Falls
Sheriff's badge and US forest service log

Our partners

We operate in collaboration with the Utah County Sheriff's Office and the U.S. Department of Forestry, Pleasant Grove Ranger Station.
A heliocopter is loaded and ready to take off at Emerald Lake

Emergency response

In the event of injuries or emergencies, we rely on Life Flight and other helicopter services, as well as the Utah County Search and Rescue Team, for evacuations. Our primary focus is on providing essential first aid care and waiting for evacuation, ensuring the injured individuals are in capable hands. The level of care we provide depends on the certification levels and available medical supplies of our team members, ranging from basic first aid to EMT-level care. The Sheriff's personnel make evacuation decisions based on the injury information we relay through our radio communications.

Interested in volunteering?

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