How parking impacts your Timp hike

  • Parking is limited at both trailheads
  • All vehicles that park to visit Timp must have a temporary Forest Service parking pass or national parks pass
  • The road by both trailheads is very narrow
  • Parking on the Alpine Loop road is prohibited except at one of the 15 designated turnouts.
  • A reservation is required to park at Timpooneke on weekends & holidays 
Image shows a screen cap of Recreation dot gov and the annual national park and federal lands passes

All vehicles need a paid parking pass

Get More Info & Buy Passes
Image shows vehicles parked illegally on the Alpine Loop road. They are parked in a small space that is for emergency parking only.

No parking in emergency parking only spots

  • Emergency parking is for emergencies
  • Not for hiking Timp
  • You will be ticketed & possibly towed

Blocking emergency vehicles endangers lives

  • These are some of the emergency vehicles that need to be able to get through the Alpine Loop
  • The road is so narrow two standard size vehicles barely fit on it
  • Please do not endanger the safety of other visitors by parking illegally