
How blisters impact your Timp hike

  • You'll be walking 14+ miles
  • Blisters can make every step on that journey very painful
  • Get info on how to prevent and treat them so you can focus on the scenery and not your feet

Preventing blisters is ideal

  • Shoes and socks are key
  • Carry blister treatment items in your first aid kit
  • Watch the NOLS video for prevention and treatment tips & tricks

Wear good, comfortable, broken in shoes
Icon shows hiking boots and trail running shoes
Stop as soon as you feel a hot spot
Treat it with the first aid kit you brought as part of the ten essentials
Icon shows a first aid kit
Change socks - sweaty socks can cause friction & hot spots
icon shows two blue socks

Watch a NOLS video about blister prevention and care: